Wednesday, August 4, 2010

India Let Grain Rot Instead Of Feeding Poor

While the country reworks the Food Security Bill to ensure sufficient food for all, the wastage of grain during storage, transit and on account of pilferage theft still remains a major issue. In the past four year, above 12 lacks tones of food grains have been lost either poor storage facilities or in transit across India. Near 50000 MT wheat declared unfit for human consumption. It’s food that could have staved off hunger for more than half million India – for a whole year.


In any other country, allowing so much grain to go to waste would be seen as criminal negligence. It is a crime to waste food in poor country. If you can not store the gain give it to poor people to eat. While millions in India go to bed hungry, food grains are rotting in go downs. We have two opposites things in India, one is that have seen highest food inflation in three decades while other buffer and strategic reserve food grain in go downs.

Food grains is rotting in the go downs of the FCI but people are not getting their legitimate share of grain. India’s public distribution system is the joint responsibilities of the central and state government. The center should release food grain and state have to distribute their food grains to the people no matter how cost and effort is required. This single decision will ensure that equivalent value of food grain will rot or millions of Indian sleeps hungry. This will nictitates hunger in the country but have a direct impact on food inflation. Indian authorities should aware the problems of the nation is facing.