Monday, August 16, 2010

Indian Tribal Taken For A Ride By Rebels

Indian tribal movements have a fascinating history and they are nothing new. More than a century ago Birsa Munda led a community of his tribesmen in a violent blitzing that was Munda Upsurge. Indian history is filling with hundreds of such rebellions by various trebles taking place at regular intervals. The latest unrest is no different but definitely much more dangerous.


The present upsurge is both a combination of a tribal movement and Maoist one. Maoist forms only the most militant end of a spectrum of tribal movement. A huge majority of the Maoist cadre is made up of tribal people. But they do not represent all tribal movements. Unlike the Maoist, tribal people are not fighting to overthrow the Indian state. They do not what the Indian state is. They are fighting to preserve their homelands, their mountains, forests and rivers.

The Maoist‘s goals are different. They have created false impression that they are saviors and messiahs of the tribal people. The tribal people have been taken for a ride by the Maoist. If the movement exclusively tribal, it would be easier to cruse. It is non-tribal Maoist and other activists hope to consolidate their military strength and their revolution. 

The most effective way to deal with these issues is to adopt all-out efforts to improve the economic conditions of the trebles. The idea is to wear them away from the Maoist. Economic and social developments are fundamental duty of the state. We should to be implemented it with spirit.