Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Valley Of Kashmir Have Nothing But Demanding Solutions

It's blood on the street of Kashmir when it seems things getting better. The past two months have exposed the restless rage of the state where 64 people died in 65days. This situation has produced a vacuum. The violence in Kashmir had dipped to its lowest level since the separation movement began in 1989. 2008 Assembly Election and 2009 Lok Shaha Election is a clear indication that there is no problem. When Omar Abdullah became Chief Minister, he represents a symbol e of hope.


A series of unfortunate events starts when more than 50 people died in unrest over the land allotted for Amaranth shrine in a Muslim area of the state. This time the valley erupted over the killing of Tufail Mattoo in police action during a stone-pitting protest.  Stone throwing is the main form of Kashmir protest. IF it was the gun in 1989, it is Stone Age in Kashmir now.

This time there was no clear trigger event. People came out even when a local militant was killed targeted state police and paramilitary forces who perform their duties. Although protest are fundamental right of the people but it have not gone out of control. Non-violence is the best path of the freedom and Indian history proof itself when we are all free from two hundred years of British rules.

 The people of Jammu and Kashmir have elected a government and they must repose their faith in that government to find solutions to their problems. The actual problem is the gap between promise and performance. It is not the time to act in haste and panic. The state and central government needs to reach out to the people who have elected them. Millions of unemployed youngsters of Kashmir who have seen nothing but conflict and clamors are demanding solutions from the self-serving politicians.